ESLint v7.3.1 released

We just pushed ESLint v7.3.1, which is a patch release upgrade of ESLint.

The v7.3.0 release included a fix for an unrelated issue that caused a configuration issue in eslint-config-airbnb that had previously gone unnoticed to start failing. ESLint expects configurations to be JSON-serializable, so configurations that use Infinity or other non-JSON-serializable values may cause undefined behavior in some parts of ESLint including caching and the --print-config command line argument. In this case, the use of Infinity was not caught until now due to a gap in the JSON schema validator that ESLint uses for which a fix has been implemented and is awaiting release.

In order to give users time to upgrade to an updated version of eslint-config-airbnb when it becomes available, this v7.3.1 release includes a temporary workaround for Infinity that will allow linting to continue despite the undefined behavior elsewhere.

Bug Fixes

  • de77c11 Fix: Replace Infinity with Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (fixes #13427) (#13435) (Nicholas C. Zakas)


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