
Project Governance

ESLint是一个用来识别ECMAScript 并且按照规则给出报告的代码检测工具,使用它可以避免低级错误和统一代码的风格

Consensus Seeking Process

The Node.js project follows a Consensus Seeking decision making model.


The nodejs/node core GitHub repository is maintained by the Collaborators who are added by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) on an ongoing basis.

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are made Collaborators and given commit-access to the project. These individuals are identified by the TSC and their nomination is discussed with the existing Collaborators.

For the current list of Collaborators, see the project's

A guide for Collaborators is maintained at

Top Level Committees

The project is governed jointly by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) which is responsible for high-level guidance of the project, and the Community Committee (CommComm) which is responsible for guiding and extending the Node.js community.

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